The Writers' Workshop 6月号ビジネス英語

最初の気が付けば~と、今回のメインの文章、木漏れ日が夜露に濡れた草葉~の表現をどのようにしたら伝わるか、、悩みました。(realize-完全にわかる、知る。find out-見たり、聞いたりしてわかる、気づく。をわかるまで知らなかったです。)
 I found out that the sun was setting little by little and the buds on the cherry blossom trees, which had tolerated the long, cold winter, have swollen just slightly without forgetting the coming spring. Speaking of March in Japan, it’s regarded as the season of farewell.  When the cherry blossoms come into, it somehow brings me a melancholic feeling, though I know it’s the start of a new year and a new leaf in life. While in France, it's still more in the middle of the winter. Although the sky is clearer compared to the cloudy weather of February, the protection against cold such as heavy coats, scarves, gloves and hats and so forth are still necessary. During this time I was studying abroad in France and apt to stay in my apartment since I had never experienced such a biting cold in Tokyo, a friend of mine had invited me to go cycling to Bois de Boulogne. You could apply to rent a bicycle there and go pedaling as if you were flying along the wind in a vast forest that didn’t seem to be located in Paris. The sunlight filtered through the trees and shine on the leaves dripped with the night dew, the glittering beautiful leaves as if it were early summer and I was wrapped in a feeling of refreshing beyond description. I can’t make light that the amusement park called Jardin d’acclimatation and mini locomotives backing and forth within the ground have also in Bois de Boulogne. I would recommend you make good use of Bois de Boulogne if you experience the activities just as Parisian spend weekend.


The Writers' Workshop 5月号ビジネス英語

ビジネス英語を聞いてはや3年、、イギリスに昨年行ったこともあり初めてThe Writers' Workshop をトライしてみたけど、表現力が難しくて、上手くいかずもどかしいです。
Even if it’s their first time coming to visit this village, Downton Abbey fans will surely feel that it is a familiar, nostalgic place because many of the scenes in the show were filmed at this place called Bampton. Until it became the filming location for Downton Abbey, Bampton hadn’t been a place known for sightseeing, even within Cotswolds. Thanks to this show, this small village with about 2500 population has grown to become a tourist destination with tours from such places as London and Oxford and visitors coming from all around the world.
  Located in the center of town is the old St. Mary’s Church with a history that dates back to the 12th century. This church often appears in the drama. It was the location for wedding ceremony of the eldest daughter Mary and the family funerals.
Although most of the entire town was built between the 17th and 18th centuries, there are some houses in the town that have existed for almost four hundred years, making it one of the oldest towns in England. Since the days of old it has flourished as a market for salt and wool, so many people call it“ a town”, and Bampton has both a village and town halls.
  Strolling around this town, it feels as if you were transported through time hundreds of years ago. Even if it had not been used as a film location, it still feels like you are in a place found in movie.
  The building used as Downton hospital in the show is actually the Bampton library. It is in this library that souvenirs and photos related to show are sold.The local volunteers show the tourists around there and teach much of things every day.
The Writers' Workshop 5月号


『Monsters University』の単語&熟語(business ver.)

 『Monsters University』を授業の教材で借りて実際に観てみると、ビジネス英語、会話に使える熟語があったので大まかな途中までの内容を載せます。
 犬猿の仲のマイクとサリーは怖がらせ学部の期末試験日に些細なことから争いになり、不運にもハードスクラブル学長の記念悲鳴ボンベを壊してしまう。学長の怒りを買い「二人とも怖がらせ屋には向いていない」と言われ 学部を追放されてしまう。なんとかして怖がらせ学部に戻りたいマイクは怖がらせ大会の申込会場に駆けていき、学長に怖がらせ大会に優勝したら怖がらせ学部に戻すことを懇願する。ードスクラブル学長は馬を牛と言い、勝てる訳がないと断固とし出場の許可をする。しかし、団体で出場しなければ大会の出場の資格がない。困ったマイクはサリーと一緒にウーズマ・カッパ (Oozma Kappa:OK)というサークルを作り、怖がらせ大会に優勝する。しかし、優勝はサリーがマイクの番になった時に採点が満点になるように仕掛けをしていたのである。学長からマイクの容貌が怖くないからどんなに怖がらせることを勉強しても無駄であると言われていることを知らないマイクは大会前夜、サリーに「大会で優勝して見返そうぜ!やるべきことをやっていれば、勝てる!」と意気揚々と話すが、誰よりも努力しているマイクを侮り見ている学長に見返し、そしてマイクのために何かしたいとサリーは思いが募る。以下がマイクとの会話である
Mike: We'll finally have our lives back on track.
Sully: Hey Mike, You know, you've given me a lot of really great tips.
I'd love to return the favor sometime.
Mike: Yeah, sure, anytime.
Vocabulary & Words】
on track― 順調に
give someone a lot of really great tips―本当にたくさんの助言を~に与える
would love to―~したいです(謙譲語)
return the favor sometime―いつかお礼をする


Fresh worker: I'd like to know which timing I hand over my business card?
Older worker: In most situations here in the U.S., you should try to develope a great rapport before you start handing out your business card. As you know, it's customary in Japan to exchange business cards when you meet someone, but the rules are different in the U.S.
Fresh worker: I made a big mistake early on. I thought I presented my business card to  American salesmen when I meet them as the sames in Japan. 
Older worker: There are times when it's appropriate to present your cards right away, but there are an important thing than handing over your card as you meet someone, it's forgetting to bring your cards.
Fresh worker: I appreciate you to give me a lot of really great advice. I'd also love to give my younger workers advice sometime.
 you're not scary. Not even a little. But you are fearless.
同じく最後のシーンでのマイクの言ったjust OKと 学長がマイクを見直した時の言葉warm up~を使いビジネス用にの文章にします
Vocabulary & Words】
just OK―普通の、平凡な
warm up~―~を受け入れてもいい気持ちになる。(to‥)いっそう好意的になる。
=develop a taste for~(~を好きになる。~の嗜好になる。)
 Colleague: Why are you working until that so long?
Younger workers:  Um…I must recheck the inventory of new product line to deliver in time for a date.
My boss is a hardcore road warrior. He is hardly here on business trip.
I'm always counting on older workers, but I think I've to do what they, the mentors have taught me, it's my gift in return. 
 Colleague: I'm so impressed with you as  you are toiling away in your cubicle to make it in time for a date 
I'm warming up to you, the meaning is judging from your work. Chuckle
Younger workers: I know. I'm a just OK man. At any rate, would you mind helping me, stopping your laughing?
※warm upをdevelop a tasteに変えると前置詞がforに変わることに注意



Dedicate myself to My Career ♘

   Which choice should I choose? What could I dedicate myself to? dialogued by myself when I have a free time even a little. ( If  I could choose between an apple pie and a chocolate cake in the cake shop, I would choose the apple pie. As I have known my favorite sweets. If what I should choose were easy such as it.)This is the reason I strangely jotted down my blog using two sayings:"sell one's soul to the devil" and  "dedicate oneself to something”.  

   First, as for the saying "sell one's soul to the devil" I deem those who fall into a cue de sac go unwillingly ahead in to the darkness,for example, if a person is dismissed by the company, how does the person act as? Perhaps, he/she  managed to make a living depending on daily life security expenditure, which is a system for recipient to make ends meet  while finding the next work. They all get living expenses as long as they who have a will that they would like to  work. Just a back while to the example, if they adequately couldn't have made ends meet,   the person might sell his/her soul to the devil such as an illegal loan, lending street name and so forth. After selling his/her soul to the devil, What is going to happen to her/ him? He (She ) might be unstable mentality  or happen to commit suicide.   After all, as the saying goes, bad things will only get worse. It's difficult to control by myself because we are linked with the society.   
   While thinking about "dedicate oneself to something”,  It reminds me of a figure skater, Yuzuru Hanyu. He dedicated himself to his career, indeed. He made an effort to avoid making mistakes and focused on skating smoothly.
 Preparing in the morning and for six minutes just before the stage for all-Japan men's championship, he had never completed a quadruple jump, also failed to do Salchow jump. He does not excuse himself for the physical condition.  He failed to reach his right leg on the surface and fell down at first perfomance, he was not defeated by that. He continues sliding on the surface having a strong mentality and the conscious. He has splendidly won the men's championship for three years running.  He has been studying human sciences via correspondence course at Waseda University since spring in 2013, So he knows his body composition seeing from various points of view. He says  each error is resulted from not being able to use your body correctly. I think the following words could be brought as he dedicated himself to his skate’s career.  
“After going over the wall, there was only the next wall”
I have focused on how I keep my motivation and overcome my fault since I knew his words. His words commonly have me lead a high-goal. I also moved on other words below. 
" I think my sufferings couldn't be compared with the evacuees, casualties on Great East Japan Earthquake. I hope the people will  be able to feel better and suffer less pain when they see my skate"
   His words brought me encourage to do what I should now. I've to overcome my fault in English with a spirit of tenacity because my fault cause worse test score. Even though I overcome my fault, I have  the boundless things that I should go over.Thinking an effect to my students, I keep in my mind to send a message to them. It's their experience and learnings they have studied that are led to much inspiration in their living.  It's difficult to convey the message, however, I've to go over my fault in English and communication to themThe next wall is in my presence , as long as I dedicate myself to my career.


Digital Signage in Shibuya

   I have been taking notice of " Digital Signage" which can often be seen in large districts such as Shinjuku, Shibuya and so forth. This is one form of adverts and has increased in visibility in suburbs.  I think the adverts are displayed intensively in one area like suburbs. This scenery brought endless surprises to me when I was watching DS in Shibuya's subway station at first, 

(I thought  it's like  hanging  scrolls which are  ”moving and rolling”, so watching DS,  foreigners  will be amazed a t the latest Japanese technology.) 
   One of the advanteges is that it has pedestrians attracted because DS is constantly moving and changing its contents suited to the season, popular things, and messages the company wants to convey. I was stunned watching the "Digital Signage" at confectionary corners in Hikarie department store. At a moment  I passed in front of the DS, the DS displayed the recommended- sweets and foods this month. The smart advert recognizes gender and ages by scanning your face through the sensors which is included in DS to introduce the recommended-sweets and foods. In short, there are various contents which is suited to gender and ages.
    while, the disadvantage is that it pops out on the Internet anytime and anywhere when opening your laptpop, PC  and smart phone. We can't escape from DS in a society where we are using technological epuipment. Even though we see DS on the way going to work and back  home, in our daily life and work, we must be careful not to respond too much to it because it hasn't fallen under the law yet.
  As a result , it is critical  that the border between public and private space may be little less distinct and then, it could invade your mind and mentality as naturally.






A Japanese spinning top

 In these days , one of the Japanese traditional toys,  Kendama(Cup and ball game) have taken off in popularity throughout the world.  The ball has various colors  and  you can choose any color you like. I unexpectedlly hit on a spinning top in the others traditional toys. You could have an enjoyble game with competing how the spinning top is rotated likewise, while a game of Kendama competing with free- use techniques, such as putting the ball in the bigger cup and the smaller cup and putting into the center of  a spike. I wonder if a spinning top could be an exciting game as well, for sighting the different point.
  The game" A spinning and dancing top" I inverted has the three checkpoints. First,  You make pairs to compete with the players and each string is handed out the players. Both players have to spin the top over crossing the other string and making any figure when both spin each spinning top on the large string face to face . Second, both players perform another spinning top with a part of their body with keeping the spinning top rotate on the string . (on the shoulder, the palm of the hand , the head and the arm and so forth.) Finally, Both players have to dance while keeping the  spinning top rotate on the body.Players will face to the most difficult checkpoint because both players have need to coordinate  tightly so as not to let the spinning top drop when both dance. Any checkpoint  time is for 10 minutes sharp.
  I hope that a spinning top has new virtuoso top-spinning performances give rise around the world. To be seriously, because of spinning motions, we symbolize  ’money circulating' 'being quick-witted' or ' work moving along nicely', 5 colors of the spinning top will be a symbol . Red symbolizes health. Black is for strength. Yellow is for wealth. Green is for a good harvest, and purple is notability. I'm hoping an auspicious symbol which Japanese spinning top have are know to the world.
  私が考案した" A spinning and dancing top"(回り踊るコマ)は3つの関門があります。まず、選手と競うためのペアを作り、そして選手たちは各自の紐が渡されます。ペアの選手は面と向かって太い紐の上に自分のコマが回転している時、ペアは相手側の紐を交差させてコマを回転させ、そしてなんらかの形を作らなければならい。2つめに、ペアは紐の上でコマを回転させながら、自分の体の一部(例えば、背中、手の平、頭、腕など)を使ってコマを回すパフォーマンスをします。最後に、ペアは自分の体を使ってコマを回しながら、おどろなければいけません。ペアはおどっている時に、こまを落とさないように、阿吽の呼吸を合わせる必要があるため、選手たちは最も難しい関門に当たるでしょう。どの関門も10分間ぴったしです。


Fireworks in Sumida River

   One of the highlights of the Japanese summer is fireworks which are a  part of Japanese culture.  Giant of fireworks exploding in the night sky, the moment of letting off fireworks never fails to fascinate many people. It seems that more than 5000 firework displays are held  throughout Japan every year.  The firework display in Sumida river is known as a special feature of summer and is broadcasted via TV. The origin of fireworks  in Sumida river dates back to the Edo period. In 1773, Cholera was epidemic throughout Edo and was fatal for many people. By the incident, the Water Deity Festival in Sumida river was held by Shogunate Yoshimune Tokugawa , who had prayed for the spirits of the dead and warding off evils.  The firework display was introduced for the Water Deity Festival and then this firework display became the present Sumida River Fireworks.
    I think the fireworks hold a special place in Japanese hearts. These brilliant hues and flash of starbusts have us watching the fireworks.There are many kinds of fireworks like "chrysanthemum" ,"peonies" and "willow"; sparkling for a few moments and falling from the sky, which symbolize  transitoriness. This sense is similar to cherry blossoms blooming for a few days and falling in a flash. There are craftmans that have been making for generations the fireworks which lets us feel ephemerality of life. so, I hope the fireworks is designated in Intangible Cultural Heritage within 50 years.( In European countries, fireworks symbolize celebrations such as "Happy New Year" and "Wedding Ceremony". I think that Europeans forcus on "celebration".)


 日本の夏の主役のひとつである花火は日本の文化のひとつであります。夜空を彩る大きな花火、花火が打ちあがる瞬間はたくさんの人々を魅了します。日本各地で年間5000以上の花火が打ち上げられているようです。隅田川の花火は夏の風物詩として知られており、テレビを通して放送されます。 隅田川の花火の起源は江戸時代に遡ります。1773年、江戸ではコレラが蔓延し、たくさんの人々を死に至らしました。その出来事により、隅田川での水神祭りが将軍徳川吉宗によって開かれ、将軍吉宗は死者の慰霊と悪霊退散を祈祷しました。隅田川の花火大会は水神祭りのために導入され、やがて、現在の隅田川の花火大会になりました。
   日本人の心にとって花火は特別なものであると思います。眩く色彩と花火の炸裂の閃光がわたしたちに花火の魅了を自然に伝えてくれます。花火には”菊” 、”牡丹”、”柳”のような様々な種類があります。数秒の間、火花を散らし輝き、一瞬で上空から火花が散る花火は生命のはかなさを表しています。このような感覚はぱっと咲き、一瞬で散る桜と似ています。何世代もつながって花火を作る職人は私たちに生命の儚さを痛切に感じさせられます。だから、花火は今から50年以内に無形文化遺産に指定されると信じています。
