Digital Signage in Shibuya

   I have been taking notice of " Digital Signage" which can often be seen in large districts such as Shinjuku, Shibuya and so forth. This is one form of adverts and has increased in visibility in suburbs.  I think the adverts are displayed intensively in one area like suburbs. This scenery brought endless surprises to me when I was watching DS in Shibuya's subway station at first, 

(I thought  it's like  hanging  scrolls which are  ”moving and rolling”, so watching DS,  foreigners  will be amazed a t the latest Japanese technology.) 
   One of the advanteges is that it has pedestrians attracted because DS is constantly moving and changing its contents suited to the season, popular things, and messages the company wants to convey. I was stunned watching the "Digital Signage" at confectionary corners in Hikarie department store. At a moment  I passed in front of the DS, the DS displayed the recommended- sweets and foods this month. The smart advert recognizes gender and ages by scanning your face through the sensors which is included in DS to introduce the recommended-sweets and foods. In short, there are various contents which is suited to gender and ages.
    while, the disadvantage is that it pops out on the Internet anytime and anywhere when opening your laptpop, PC  and smart phone. We can't escape from DS in a society where we are using technological epuipment. Even though we see DS on the way going to work and back  home, in our daily life and work, we must be careful not to respond too much to it because it hasn't fallen under the law yet.
  As a result , it is critical  that the border between public and private space may be little less distinct and then, it could invade your mind and mentality as naturally.


