A Japanese spinning top

 In these days , one of the Japanese traditional toys,  Kendama(Cup and ball game) have taken off in popularity throughout the world.  The ball has various colors  and  you can choose any color you like. I unexpectedlly hit on a spinning top in the others traditional toys. You could have an enjoyble game with competing how the spinning top is rotated likewise, while a game of Kendama competing with free- use techniques, such as putting the ball in the bigger cup and the smaller cup and putting into the center of  a spike. I wonder if a spinning top could be an exciting game as well, for sighting the different point.
  The game" A spinning and dancing top" I inverted has the three checkpoints. First,  You make pairs to compete with the players and each string is handed out the players. Both players have to spin the top over crossing the other string and making any figure when both spin each spinning top on the large string face to face . Second, both players perform another spinning top with a part of their body with keeping the spinning top rotate on the string . (on the shoulder, the palm of the hand , the head and the arm and so forth.) Finally, Both players have to dance while keeping the  spinning top rotate on the body.Players will face to the most difficult checkpoint because both players have need to coordinate  tightly so as not to let the spinning top drop when both dance. Any checkpoint  time is for 10 minutes sharp.
  I hope that a spinning top has new virtuoso top-spinning performances give rise around the world. To be seriously, because of spinning motions, we symbolize  ’money circulating' 'being quick-witted' or ' work moving along nicely', 5 colors of the spinning top will be a symbol . Red symbolizes health. Black is for strength. Yellow is for wealth. Green is for a good harvest, and purple is notability. I'm hoping an auspicious symbol which Japanese spinning top have are know to the world.
  私が考案した" A spinning and dancing top"(回り踊るコマ)は3つの関門があります。まず、選手と競うためのペアを作り、そして選手たちは各自の紐が渡されます。ペアの選手は面と向かって太い紐の上に自分のコマが回転している時、ペアは相手側の紐を交差させてコマを回転させ、そしてなんらかの形を作らなければならい。2つめに、ペアは紐の上でコマを回転させながら、自分の体の一部(例えば、背中、手の平、頭、腕など)を使ってコマを回すパフォーマンスをします。最後に、ペアは自分の体を使ってコマを回しながら、おどろなければいけません。ペアはおどっている時に、こまを落とさないように、阿吽の呼吸を合わせる必要があるため、選手たちは最も難しい関門に当たるでしょう。どの関門も10分間ぴったしです。
