Angelina Jolie in UNSC

 以下はAngelina Jolie が国連安保理で戦時下の性的暴力に関して演説した内容です。

(冠詞(a, the)の聞き取りや単語の意味が難しかったです。)


Secretary general, foreign ministers,

 Rape is a tool of war. It is an act of aggression and a crime against humanity. It is inflicted intentionally to destroy the women, families and communities. It ruins lives and fuels conflict. If we government can’t act, the United Nation Security Council must step in to provide leadership and assistantance. For these crimes happen not because they’re inherent to war, but because global climate allows it. There is no greater power in the world that can stand by them. That young Syrian rape victim is here because you represent her. That 5 year old child in the Congo must count because you represent her. And in her eyes, if the attackers get away from this crime, it is because you have allowed it. You set the bar. If United Nation Security Council sets rape and sexual violence in conflict as priority, it will become one and progress will be made. Thank you.


潘事務総長 各国外相のみなさん
Words and Phrases
global climate―国際思想(風潮)