【The power of Quiet by Susan Cain】

RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet - YouTube

【My Thoughts】

I agree with her speech. I think the co-existence of those who have introverted and those who are extroverted vitalizes their work because they inspire each other. The most important reason companis need theirco-existenceis that they provide unimaginable inspiration and creative power; for instance, if the same type of people discuss things company-related, such as the minutes, the plans and the revenue, I think, they will have conflicts over things and then their ideas won't take shape. It may make them a pain to work for next discussion. The extrovert brings persistence while the introvert provides the substance. The introvert can help the extrovert with business, too in his or her own way. The introvert has his or her own persistence and concentration. In this way, I think the point of view from long span is cultivated as the introvert is eagely studies in a solitary environment. Having a long viewis the company's most valuable resource. We have to judge things by taking along view , not by intuition. I think also the effective team is most definitely the ones that are a combination of introvert and extrovert.